quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012

Creo en ti - Finally (inglês)

I might have spent my whole life waiting in the dark
Or left this place with a hole inside my heart
You came when I decided this might be my fate
Not one second early not one second late
Tell me how you give me hope with just one kiss
And fill my doubt, with a love I can't forget
Oh, finally, I breathe again
There are no words to describe it
There's no way that I can hide it
Oh, no, finally, the fear is gone
And I don't have to face this world alone
Even though I lost my way,
With you, I'm finally home
There were times the pain was more than I could take
But somehow each and every scar has been erased
And if the sun and moon and stars come crashing down,
I'll be in your arms; no safer place I found
This is more than a simple memory I can't ignore
My dreams turned into reality
Oh, finally, I breathe again
There are no words to describe it
There's no way that I can hide it
Oh, no, finally, the fear is gone
And I don't have to face this world alone
Even though I lost my way,
With you, I'm finally home

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